March 22, 2011: Sunday morning Sy woke up another year older and noticed his hair falling out. We all new this day was coming, but had to wait and hope it would take longer. How do you explain to a 9 year old that he is going to lose his hair and why? Well Matt was given the burden of explaining to his only son why. Matt said it was very tough as is expected but on e again he found the strength to tell Sy.
Due to bad weather we postponed the AT&T tour till later date. So instead Sy stayed home and celebrated his birthday with Matt and Veronica's family and building his new Deathstar Lego.
Last Friday, They ventured back to the hospital to get tests done before round 2 of chemo. But once again things did not go as planned. After getting an echo test done they waited for hours for a CT scan and an MRI. After waiting several hours they were told to to home because hey weren't going to get to the tests and they would need to return on Monday. So after checking in Monday morning and not allowing Sy to eat again...they waited...and waited. Once again they were sent home with no tests done and told to return again on Tuesday. Luckily they were given a local hotel room and did not have to drive all the way home to Salinas. This brings us to today; scans are being dine right now and they have an appt at 2pm to read the scans. We all prey each day for our Miracle and are thankful for every day we have had with Sy and for every day in the future that God gives us with him. When times are tough and I find myself struggling with my own faith my friend's mom read a prayer from Joshua 1:9 that gave her strength through her grandson's struggle through cancer; have I not commanded? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged; for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Please keep the prayers coming and don't forget if you want to help you can visit any Wells Fargo and donate into the special account set up "Sy Matthew Sheeman Cancer Fund."
Thank you so much for the updates on my great-nephew. He is in my thoughts and prayers every day. May god bless you Sy. We love you. Love, tia Delia