Team Sy needs you!

Help Team Sy Give back

Help Support Sy!

Show your support and help spread the word and Sy's story by wearing a custom Team Sy/Cancer Sucks bracelet or t-shirt!

$10.00 for a bracelet
$20.00 for a t-shirt.
$45.00 for a sweatshirt (please pre-order)
Please donate an extra $5.00 to cover any shipping for your t-shirt if needed.

T-shirt design #!

T-Shirt Design #2


Please email Matt at or Rachel at or you can leave it in a comment and specify if your donation is for a bracelet, a t-shirt or just for support. Be sure to let us know what size t-shirt you would like and your shipping address if needed.

Thank you for the support!!!


  1. I saw your blog on Betty Acosta's Facebook page, and what an incredible story you have Sy! My baby has been here at LPCH since January in stem cell, and I'm sure I've seen the family in the halls. I can relate to much that has been written here, and I just want you to know that even though you obviously have many supporters, you have at least one more! I hope to read soon that you're winning your fight!

  2. Very sad he was in my class we all miss you sy and so does mrs penner

  3. David m nisses u sy
