Thursday, November 29, 2012

Still fighting

Nov. 29, 2012: with the month coming to end I want to take a few minutes to say thanks. First, thank you to my brother Matt and Sy's mom Maritsa for not just bringing Sy into this world but for letting me be a part of his life from day 1. Thank you to Veronica and her family for welcoming Sy in as one of their own and taking such good care of him. I am so thankful for every memory I have with Sy from when he was a baby, to our day trips to the boardwalk and our vacation to Disneyland and our trip to Chicago. I am thankful he is such a strong willed kid and such a fighter. I am thankful for the doctors at Stanford Children's Hospital for not just prolonging Sy's life but for also being wrong with every time line they have given us. I am thankful for all they prayers sent Sy's way, all his followers, and my friends who have been here for not just me but for him as well.

Now for an update. Sy has grown more and more weak and tired. He is very frail and sleeps the majority of the day. He hasn't been eating or drinking much which does not help him gain any strength or weight. The best way I can describe him is skin, bones and belly. It is devastating to see him in this condition and I just pray he finds the strength to eat so his fight can continue. Sy we love you more then you will ever know, we aren't giving up and are not going to allow you to give up either.

So as this month of thanks comes to an end, take the time to remember the good times and be thankful for those memories with your loved ones. Look to do something for someone else this holiday season and whenever you think times are bad for you remember somebody else has it worse.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Doctors can't explain it

Nov. 1, 2012: From Matt and Veronica
Got some sort of good news today from the doctor...well as we all know sys tumor was bleeding and his hemoglobin kept going lower and lower which lead to him needing weekly blood transfusions ...this is the second week he hasn't needed one ...
and Matt and I were a lil surprised why we hadn't heard from the doctors about his labs so we figured things must still be OK and he probably doesn't need a transfusion, well today they called and said last week his hemoglobin was 9.1 which is awesome! And this week its 10.1 even more awesome! With that being said one of his doctors couldn't explain it, other than its a miracle because according to his labs his tumor has stopped bleeding out and she says that her and sys main oncologist have questioned sys progress they are both so happy but kind of stumped because he has come so far battling this cancer they can't explain why he is still here other than its really a miracle :) ...but we are worried on the other hand that his tumor may burst since it has stopped bleeding out and that is the last thing we want him to go thru because that would be very traumatic so as of now we ask for strong continuous prayers that his tumor does not burst but pray that he is getting his miracle and his body is healing instead! FOR ALL OF TEAM SY EVERYWHERE WE ASK FOR MORE PRAYERS FOR SY. THEY ARE WORKING :) ...PLEASE LORD HEAR US ALL AND HEAL OUR LIL SOLDIER!!! NEGU NEGU NEGU SY WE LOVE YA KID!