Now that all family has been informed we can now update.everyone else...
We have been at Lucille Packard children's hospital for the past 3 days Sy had a CT scan ...
done AND there is no cancer in his brain thank god but unfortunatly his tumors are now starting to bleed out . He had a blood transfusion today to help perk him up a little bit but...we have been told by his oncologist this is it, we have no other options for him ...we are losing him . He is still up AND around but very slow and weak he will be on a fentanyl patch for pain 24 hours AND at this point we just want him to be comfortable ..
The oncologist estimated his time left with us at 1-2 weeks he could go sooner or he could go later but at this point he is dying. There are no words to express the emptyness we are feeling but we all know that he put up such a BRAVE FIGHT! HE IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE OUR LIL HERO!! Sy is a true fighter... at diagnosis when the doctors gave him 3-6 months he fought longer. When they said he could only handle 6 chemo rounds he did eleven and when they said in February he only has 1-2 months, here he is 7 months later. He/we refused to give into the cancer and we applaud him for his courage and determination to live ...But we now see he is tired and weak and now we will just follow his lead and take it instead of day by day we will be on hour by hour...but we would like to thank EVERYONE again near and far for all the support all the love all the well wishes just everything everyone has done to help support Sy in his fight with cancer he/we couldn't have done this without you have said before WE ARE TEAM SY AND WE FOREVER WILL BE!!! WE LOVE YOU SY TO THE DEATHSTAR AND BACK!
The oncologist estimated his time left with us at 1-2 weeks he could go sooner or he could go later but at this point he is dying. There are no words to express the emptyness we are feeling but we all know that he put up such a BRAVE FIGHT! HE IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE OUR LIL HERO!! Sy is a true fighter... at diagnosis when the doctors gave him 3-6 months he fought longer. When they said he could only handle 6 chemo rounds he did eleven and when they said in February he only has 1-2 months, here he is 7 months later. He/we refused to give into the cancer and we applaud him for his courage and determination to live ...But we now see he is tired and weak and now we will just follow his lead and take it instead of day by day we will be on hour by hour...but we would like to thank EVERYONE again near and far for all the support all the love all the well wishes just everything everyone has done to help support Sy in his fight with cancer he/we couldn't have done this without you have said before WE ARE TEAM SY AND WE FOREVER WILL BE!!! WE LOVE YOU SY TO THE DEATHSTAR AND BACK!