Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Help Support Sy!

Show your support and help spread the word and Sy's story by wearing a custom Team Sy/Cancer Sucks bracelet or t-shirt!

$10.00 for a bracelet
$20.00 for a t-shirt.
Please donate an extra $5.00 to cover any shipping for your t-shirt if needed.

Please email Matt at or Rachel at or you can leave it in a comment and specify if your donation is for a bracelet, a t-shirt or just for support. Be sure to let us know what size t-shirt you would like and your shipping address if needed.

Thank you for the support!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Read all about it!!

Sy's story made the front page of the Californian. Check it out:|newswell|text|News|p

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hit the Presses!

Sept. 25, 2011: Sy's story is hitting the presses and making news! Monday morning check out the the Salinas News Paper the Californian for an article about Sy. With your help, we hope for more people to read about Sy's fight. So please continue to repost and send the blog to your friends, celebrities, newspapers, news channels etc.

What better way to spread the word then to become a member of Team Sy by buying a bracelet or a t-shirt and representing our super hero!? Click on the tab above "Team Sy Needs You" to buy your Team Sy gear!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tough Choices

Sept. 20, 2011: We are asking everyone to share Sy's story with everyone they know. The more people who hear about his story and his fight the more support and prayers we can gather and the more attention HCC in children can get and hopefully one day no other child will have to suffer.

Sy is currently in the hospital after a fever spiking after a blood transplant. His fever is stable but they are expected to stay in Stanford until Friday when hopefully his counts get back up. I know lots of people have been anxious to hear Sy's scan results. The good news is the scans continue to show improvement and the tumors continue to shrink...the problem is the tumors are not shrinking quick enough. The body can only handle so much Chemo before other problems arise. The doctors have told Matt that he needs to start thinking about quality of life and/or pushing the limit with Chemo. The main problem with these two choice is that they both have the same results and neither is enough time to shrink the tumors enough to cure him. How do you make a decision like this? How do you decide which is the best option when neither has a good outcome? How do you stay strong when you look into the eyes of an amazing 9 year old who just wants to leave the hospital and be with his friends? Well, I can't answer these questions and over the next few days Matt has a very tough decision to make. Please continue to send prayers and pray for a miracle. Sy has amazed so many times in his short life, none of us are giving up on him and hoping for him to pull out one more surprise.

So do us a favor...take a minute to say a prayer, send a positive thought. And when you are done, look at the top of the page and hit the "SHARE" button. Send the blog and Sy's story out to your facebook friends, twitter followers and through everyone you know in an email.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Spread the word

Please help spread the word by sharing the link to the blog to all your friends and family. Post Sy's story on your Facebook and twitter. Ask your friends to repost it, lets get up to thousands of followers on this blog. Let's let everyone know how amazing and strong Sy is! Tell his story, gather prayers and follow his fight. So pppppplease spread the word.

Sy actually ended up having his scans today and will have them read on Friday. Update to come, but in the mean time....spread the word!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


With now 9 rounds of Chemo under his belt, Sy is doing well. His spirits are high and his personality has not changed at all. His hospital stays are shorter and his monopoly reign continues. He has been going to school since the start of the school year only missing a few days here and there for low counts or Chemo. He is enjoying math and learning multiplication, which I think is only going to make him better at monopoly (no more cheating when you land on his property). :/
Oct. 3rd is a big day for Sy as he gets another round of scans done. These scans will help doctors determine what the next step is.  Hopefully everyone's prayers are answered and scans continue to show the tumors shrinking in his lungs and liver.

With continued doctors appts, lack of work and growing expenses every bit can help. Please support in any way you can; we still have Cancer Sucks/Team Sy bracelets or you can donate to the Sy Sherman Cancer Fund at any Wells Fargo Bank account 2681221061.

Thank you for the support and prayers! Don't stop believing.